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Posts tagged brazil
"FORA" - The largest protest in Sao Paulo history.

On Sunday, March 13th, 2016, Brazilians marched, sang, and danced across the country in what became the largest anti-govermnet protest in their country's history.  Protestors struck out  against current president Dilma Rouseff, former president "Lula", and their leftist "Workers' Party (Partido dos Trablahadores "PT"), amidst mounting evidence of widespread corruption.  In Sao Paulo, protest numbers tipped 1.4 million, smashing the city's previous of mark of around 400k.  In total, an estimated 3 million Brazilians took to the streets, in what became a historic day.  Brazilian pride was visible, and support ranged from the youngest to the oldest generations.  Here's a small window into my afternoon spent on Avenida Paulista in Sao Paulo.

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